We are continuing to build the Apero 1 on order in a limited number of pieces. Its striking appearance has its fans that we want to continue serving in the future. Detached from the short-lived fashion trends, the appearance will forever remain timeless and extravagant. Basically, however, we are concentrating on building the successor model with the working name SKY DIAMOND. The Diamond is a further development of the Apero. Modern optics, modified ergonomics, hi-tech materials, well-known suppliers of the individual components - that is the DNA of the diamond. We'll really boost the typical Skydancer Cabrio driving pleasure.
The main differences between a SD and Apero:
- New, angular 4-pane front design (from which the car owes its model name).
- Puristic exterior design.
- Modern interior. Above all, the car does without "living room furniture ambience" and baroque luxury. It should be puristic, functional, extravagant, modern.
- Three different bed concepts can be selected in the rear.